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Registered: 06-2007
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Congress Needs To Stop Pouring Money Into NASA

10/15/2018, 11:26 am Link to this post PM Spikosauropod
greendocnowciv Profile
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Registered: 11-2017
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Re: Congress Needs To Stop Pouring Money Into NASA


I only read that initially because I am very interested in how we are going regarding Space development.

This reads like a archtypical cronyism example out of "Atlas Shrugged."

I would like to see "the Man" invite Elon to lunch "a-la Kanye."

Elon wont get a splif or shot of anything from The Pres - but as one outsider who still gets crap from all the "normies."

He has been proven surprisingly right so often - yet every day seems to bring yet more "ankle biters" who cannot see what he sees...

He may see something across the table that surprises him. Up to now, he has been both anti-Trump as well as willing to work with Trump.

So an opponent ideologically in one or more ways, but not "nutso" over it like so many Trump opponents are.

Elon was with Pres Trump for a while in one or another "high tech insider circle" that had a brief life. It fizzled out partly because it was not doing much, and partly because the big shot techies involved were "too celebrity" to survive near all that incoming fire.

Well - Elon is now getting fire from all sides. Maybe as he comes in from the battlefield with a new "thousand yard stare" he may be able to see a Trump he was not able to see the last time.

Then - imagine leaving that massively, obviously corrupt mess described in that article behind. And instead holding really competitive bids handled by Pres Trumps own, known guys - and immediately giving several contracts to Space-X.

Man! The massive civ space interest that would come from that!
10/17/2018, 10:23 am Link to this post PM greendocnowciv Blog

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